About SME Finance
Prepare multi-year budgets and automatically produce income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and valuations.
When applying for investors, finance, or grant funding, you will need financial statements prepared.
The system asks you questions and produces a set of financial statements that include the following components, which will help you. Different requirements will exist between different sources of finance.
Included is:
2 years of financial history (if available):
This part of the business financials indicates trends. History is informative to funders as it shows the reality of your growth or lack thereof. You just need to be able to explain it.
5 years of financial history:
As above, this assists in understanding your growth projections. Highest growth often occurs in the early years for obvious reasons. Growth rates are very important to funders and help them assess their risk in lending to you. High growth is good if you have planned for it; without capital, it can lead to cash flow issues.
Stock units costing, including calculations if manufactured:
Costing is often mismanaged. There are various ways to cost your stock, whether you purchase or manufacture it, with manufacturing offering more options.
Stock costs if there are consumables involved per usage:
Some products use consumables during installation or usage. We can calculate these costs into the above costing.
Price lists:
Price lists are essential for directors, staff, and clients. We provide all these versions, each with different requirements and confidentiality levels. Director-level pricing helps assess profitability impacts by adjusting markups. Misunderstanding between markup, margin, and gross profit can be catastrophic.